How to Secure Your Home Network

Importance of Home Network Security

Online criminals have always targeted vulnerable home network systems to blackmail unsuspecting persons. Here are ways of securing your household network system to avoid losing crucial information to hackers.



Have a complicated router password

You have probably shared your network passwords to visitors in your home. Also, your kids might give the password to their friends when they come over. It’s hard to deny all these people your password.

So, what can you do? Well, you can create a complex passcode by incorporating mixed letters and numbers as well as characters. The letters can be combined to be both upper cases and lower case letters. Such a key will be hard for people to remember. Always consider having a key with between fifteen to twenty characters for ideal safety.

Often change your passwords

Changing your private code is not restricted whatsoever. You can do that any time you feel. Wi-Fi routers can be logged in once and have access all through. So, there is no need to feel tired of changing your pin. We suggest that the codes for your WI-FI network be changed at least every month.

For ease of remembrance, ensure you have a notebook where you can record changed passwords.

Ensure your firmware is updated

To enhance cybersecurity in your home, ensure the firmware of your router is up to date. Firmware is the program running your router, thus set security principles on how the home network runs. Let’s note that modern routers update themselves. However, not all routers have this ability.

Updates can be done by following a process set at the router control panel. You can also check the process from the routers’ official support site.

Use a guest network

When you have friends over, you can switch to use the guest network if this is an option available on your router. Your visitors can access the Wi-Fi, only leaving alone your other devices and folders that are shareable in your computer.

Consequently, you can hide your network so that the router won’t have to transmission its SSID. This means that outsiders’ devices won’t be able to see it. They will only notice a hidden network’s presence, but visitors won’t get into the system.

The above ideas can help you boost your home’s cybersecurity. Yet, you can accompany them with many other concepts, such as using a VPN and turning off the rooter if you are not using it. We are glad we got to share this with you.

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