How to Market Managed IT Services


When you’re looking for ways to market managed IT services, you want strategies that are straightforward and effective. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Build a strong online presence: Focus on a professional website and social media.
  • Use SEO and content marketing: Help potential clients find you through search engines.
  • Engage through email marketing: Keep connected with your audience.
  • Network and build partnerships: Expand your reach.
  • Leverage customer testimonials: Build trust with prospective clients.

In today’s world, managed IT services have become a cornerstone for businesses aiming to stay competitive and functional. Companies like ETTE specialize in providing comprehensive IT services—ranging from cybersecurity to cloud management—which are crucial for organizations, especially small non-profits, to handle their tech needs efficiently without the burden of managing it all in-house.

Managed IT services are about letting experts take the wheel, ensuring that your operations run smoothly, cybersecurity threats are minimized, and you can focus on what you do best—serving your community. ETTE, with its focus on partnering with non-profits and small businesses, understands the unique challenges and priorities in this sector. By offering tailored IT solutions, they help these organizations navigate the complexities of the digital age, improving operational efficiency and securing their digital assets.

Infographic detailing the journey of a small non-profit organization partnering with ETTE for managed IT services. It starts with the organization struggling with tech issues, discovering ETTE's services through effective marketing, the services offered by ETTE, and ends with the non-profit achieving improved efficiency and a competitive edge. Each step is marked by icons symbolizing cybersecurity, cloud management, and IT consulting. - how to market managed it services infographic process-5-steps-informal

Understanding and leveraging managed IT services effectively can transform the way your organization operates and competes—letting you focus more on your mission, and less on technical troubles.

Understanding Managed IT Services

Defining Managed Services

When we talk about Managed Services, we’re diving into the world where businesses hand over the reins of their IT operations to expert third parties. These experts, known as Managed Service Providers (MSPs), take on the responsibility for the smooth running of IT processes and functions. This move isn’t just about fixing problems when they arise; it’s a proactive approach to ensure everything IT-related works like a well-oiled machine.

Outsourcing these tasks means businesses can focus on what they do best, leaving the nitty-gritty of IT management in capable hands. It’s akin to having a team of IT superheroes on speed dial—they monitor, manage, and mend, all without disrupting the daily flow of your business.

Core Services Offered

Managed IT services cover a broad spectrum of technology needs. Here’s a breakdown of the core services most businesses find invaluable:

  • Cybersecurity: Threats lurk around every corner. MSPs provide a shield against these threats, implementing robust security measures that protect your data from unauthorized access, breaches, and other cyber threats. They’re like the guardians of the digital galaxy, constantly watching over your business’s valuable information.
  • Cloud Management: The cloud has become the backbone of modern business operations, offering flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. MSPs help navigate the complexities of cloud environments, ensuring your business leverages the full power of cloud computing without getting lost in the technical details.
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Management: SaaS applications are crucial tools for businesses, but managing them can be a headache. MSPs take the pain out of SaaS by handling subscriptions, updates, and integration, ensuring these applications are always ready to serve your business needs.
  • Disaster Recovery: Disasters, whether natural or man-made, can strike at any time, putting your business at risk. MSPs prepare and protect your business with disaster recovery plans that ensure quick recovery and minimal downtime, making sure your business remains resilient in the face of adversity.
  • Help Desk: When IT issues arise, having a dedicated help desk means problems are resolved swiftly, reducing downtime and frustration. MSPs offer help desk services that provide your employees with direct access to IT experts, ensuring smooth sailing in your day-to-day operations.

Managed IT services are the backbone that supports businesses in their quest for efficiency, security, and growth. By outsourcing these critical functions, companies can breathe easier, knowing their IT infrastructure is in expert hands. This partnership not only enhances operational capacity but also positions businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

As we shift gears towards Leveraging Digital Marketing for IT Services, we’ll explore how MSPs can effectively communicate their value proposition, reaching out to potential clients and demonstrating how their services can address specific business challenges and objectives. Stay tuned for insights on leveraging inbound and outbound marketing, digital platforms, SEO, SEM, and more, to effectively market managed IT services.

Leveraging Digital Marketing for IT Services

Marketing managed IT services requires a blend of strategies to reach potential clients where they are. Let’s dive into the key tactics that will help your business stand out in a crowded market.

Inbound Marketing

Content Creation: Start by crafting informative, engaging content that speaks directly to the problems and challenges your target audience faces. This could be blog posts, whitepapers, or videos that offer valuable insights and solutions.

Amplification: Once you have your content, don’t let it sit idle. Amplify its reach through social media, email newsletters, and partnerships with other websites. The more eyes on your content, the better.

Target Personas: Know who you’re talking to. Create detailed buyer personas to tailor your content and marketing messages to meet the specific needs and interests of your potential clients.

Outbound Marketing

Paid Advertising: Invest in PPC campaigns on platforms like Google AdWords to get your services in front of people actively searching for IT solutions. It’s about being seen by the right people, not just everyone.

Cold Calling: Though it may seem old-fashioned, cold calling can still be effective if done correctly. Use it to reach out to businesses that fit your target persona but might not have found you otherwise.

Utilizing Digital Platforms

Website Optimization: Your website is often the first impression potential clients will have of your business. Make sure it’s professional, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and make your contact information easy to find.

Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn can be goldmines for connecting with other businesses. Share your content, engage with others’ posts, and use social media to build your brand’s presence and authority in the IT space.

Email Campaigns: Build a list of subscribers interested in your content and services. Then, use email marketing to nurture these leads by sharing helpful information, company updates, and special offers.


Organic Search: Optimize your website and blog content with relevant keywords to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher you rank, the more likely potential clients will find you.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click): Complement your SEO efforts with PPC ads. These allow you to appear at the top of search results for specific keywords, providing immediate visibility and traffic.

Content Optimization: Ensure your content not only appeals to your target audience but also to search engines. Use keywords naturally, include internal and external links, and structure your content for easy reading.

Building Trust and Credibility

Customer Testimonials: Share stories and quotes from satisfied clients to show potential customers the real-world value of your services.

Accreditations: Highlight any industry certifications or accreditations your business has earned. This demonstrates your expertise and commitment to quality.

Success Stories: Case studies are powerful tools for showcasing how you’ve solved specific problems for clients. They provide concrete examples of your success and the benefits of your services.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only increase your visibility in the market but also build trust with potential clients, showing them why your managed IT services are the solution they’ve been looking for.

Best Practices for Selling Managed IT Services

Understanding Client Needs

Discovery: The first step in selling managed IT services effectively is understanding what your client actually needs. This involves asking the right questions and listening carefully to their answers. It’s not just about what services you can provide, but how those services can solve their specific problems.

Pain Points: Every business has its unique challenges. Some might struggle with cybersecurity threats, while others might be overwhelmed by the complexity of cloud management. Identifying these pain points is crucial because it allows you to tailor your pitch to address these specific issues directly.

Custom Solutions: Once you understand the client’s needs and challenges, you can start crafting custom solutions. This means moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach and instead, proposing services that align closely with what the client is actually struggling with.

Value Proposition

Sell Value, Not Technology: Most clients are not tech experts, and they’re not interested in the technical details. They want to know how your services will make their life easier, safer, and more productive. Focus on the value your services bring to their business, like increased efficiency, reduced downtime, or better security.

Price Services Accordingly: Pricing can be a delicate balance. You need to ensure that your prices reflect the value of your services, are competitive, and fit within the client’s budget. Consider offering tiered pricing models to accommodate different levels of service and budget.

Communication Strategies

Be Available: In IT, issues don’t stick to a 9-5 schedule. Being available to answer questions or address concerns can set you apart from competitors. This doesn’t mean you have to be on call 24/7, but demonstrating responsiveness is key.

Transparent Expectations: Clear communication about what your services include, how they will be delivered, and what the client can expect in terms of outcomes is essential. This helps in managing expectations and building trust.

Simplify Contracts: Complex, jargon-filled contracts can be a huge barrier. Simplifying your contracts to make them clear and understandable not only makes it easier for clients to commit but also builds trust by showing that you have nothing to hide.

Leveraging Technology

Marketing Automation: Use marketing automation tools to streamline your marketing efforts. These can help you keep in touch with potential clients through email campaigns, social media posts, and more, without having to manually manage each interaction.

Webinars: Hosting webinars can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise, explain the value of your services, and engage with potential clients in a low-pressure environment. It’s an opportunity to address common pain points and show how your services provide solutions.

Online Reviews: Encourage your satisfied clients to leave online reviews. Positive feedback from real customers can significantly boost your credibility and make potential clients more likely to choose your services over competitors.

By focusing on understanding client needs, emphasizing the value you provide, communicating clearly and effectively, and leveraging technology to streamline your processes and reach more clients, you can improve your chances of selling your managed IT services successfully. It’s about showing potential clients how you can solve their problems and make their lives easier, not overwhelming them with technical details.


As we wrap up our guide on how to market managed IT services, it’s crucial to remember that the landscape of IT and digital marketing is changing. Adapting strategies and committing to continuous improvement are not just recommendations; they’re necessities for staying ahead in this competitive field. Let’s dive into these final thoughts:

Adapting Strategies

The world of managed IT services is dynamic, with new technologies and customer expectations changing the game regularly. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. That’s why it’s essential for us to stay agile, ready to pivot our strategies based on real-time data and feedback from our audience. Whether it’s a new social media platform, a change in search engine algorithms, or a shift in customer pain points, being adaptable ensures we remain relevant and effective.

Continuous Improvement

The pursuit of excellence is a never-ending journey. In marketing managed IT services, this means always looking for ways to refine our message, enhance our service offerings, and improve our customer interactions. It involves regularly reviewing our marketing performance, seeking feedback from clients, and staying informed about industry trends. Continuous improvement is not just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about amplifying what works and exploring new avenues for growth.


At ETTE, we embody the principles of adaptability and continuous improvement in everything we do. Our managed IT services are designed not just to meet the current needs of our clients but to anticipate and prepare for future challenges. We understand that marketing these services effectively requires a deep understanding of our clients’ businesses, a commitment to excellence, and a willingness to innovate.

Explore our managed IT services and discover how we can help your business navigate the complexities of the digital world. With ETTE, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a partner committed to your success.

In conclusion, marketing managed IT services is about much more than just selling a product; it’s about building relationships, understanding client needs, and delivering value that goes beyond the technical. By adapting our strategies, committing to continuous improvement, and leveraging the expertise and dedication of teams like ours at ETTE, we can not only meet the challenges of today but also embrace the opportunities of tomorrow.


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Stop worrying about technology problems. Focus on your business. Let us provide the Managed IT Services you require.